Sunday, February 14, 2010

The d.l. on proj. 1

So here is what I ended up with on project one. The verdict during critique is that it is flat with not a whole lot of depth overall, and I completely agree. I blame that last section of pipe disjointed from the pipe leaving the radiator along with the unexciting grey-hued background. I am happy with how certain parts turned out, like the corner near the bottom and the radiator at the top of the drawing (some gestural/subtle mark making). Looking back I wish I would have put in more time thinking about composition rather than jumping in so fast. It is, however, the first project and I guess I am not too unhappy with the result. I feel like it was a good project to jump back into mark-making with, and I look forward to the next project where I can work out some compositional issues and work a higher level of concept into the work.

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